Yesterday after a night of brokenness I asked a guy at work if he had any resources on discerning God's will from Satan's distractions. Matt didn't really have a clear answer for me but what he did say was so profound and it really resonated with me. He said "I don't know much but I do know this; we are created to be made in the likeness of Christ and we are created to do good works. So, if you are striving to become more like Christ and doing good works, then I believe you are within God's will." I thought to myself "That's it?, Really?" In his short response he seemed so confident. I was expecting him to say more, surely it had to be more complicated than that.
In my head, I always try to piece things together. Everything has to have a purpose and a place and if it doesn't fit I usually discard it, and sometimes I find a place for it. I realized through my conversations with Matt and another friend and some sermons I listened to yesterday that I have been finding a place for a lot of things lately and trying to make them fit. In one of the messages I was listening to yesterday, JP said "Our desperate desire to know God's will replaces our faith." Ouch, how true is that. I think so often we want answers, we want clarity, we want to know what is going to happen next and God never promises us we will know, he just asks us to trust Him. JP's message also reminded me that in all we do we are to love God and love people. Wherever we are, whatever we are doing, whoever we are serving, God wants us there. He wants us loving on them, He wants us showing them compassion, mercy, kindness and gentleness, and He wants us to show them WHO HE IS!
In Matthew 28:19 we are told to "...go and make disciples of all nations..." there are two verbs in that sentence, "go" and "make." Up to this point I've gotten caught up on the "go" part but I realized "make" is the active verb here, that is what we are called to do. Wherever we go, wherever we are, we are to disciple others and grow God's kingdom. God gives us the ability to make choices and decisions about where we will serve Him and how we will serve Him but the bottom line is we should always be extending ourselves. With some new information, I am currently reassessing things and I realize now the choice is mine (:F). My eyes have been opened to new things lately and I just love how God continues to reveal himself. I will never get sick of learning and growing.