Thursday, January 17, 2013

My first Korean Massage - Exposed and Violated

This blog has moved. To read about my Korea massage experience, visit the link below.


  1. Note to self, never get a massage on Korea.

  2. haha - it is an experience you'll remember forever! I have had a massage by blind men in China...I don't know why, other than Fodors told me it was worth trying. False! That was the strangest 60 minutes of my life. I kept peeking to see if they were faking the blind thing just to get a few sneak peeks of the tourist. Then the massage I tried while in Morocco was even crazier. In a bathhouse with 50 naked Moroccan women of every shape and size. Let's just say, its an American thing to be shy about nudity! Needless to say, it is now one of my favorite travel stories to share.

  3. @John "Like" Catherine, thanks for sharing your stories. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one :)
