Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Hard headed woman!

Elvis sang about me before I was even born. In his song, he says "Oh yeah, ever since the world began uh huh, a hard headed woman been a thorn in the side of man.He might as well have said "Brandy" instead of hard headed woman because I now know he was talking about me. I know there are a lot of things the Lord will be teaching me during my time here in Korea. I've laughed a lot to myself as He randomly reminds me of the many things I need to work on, but I'm definitely, 100% certain He will continue to wreck me on my stubborn, hard headed ways. 

Monday, I took a taxi to the immigration office to meet the director of my school. His American name is Clay and we usually refer to him as Mr. O. There is something kind of mysterious about Mr. O. He is usually very quiet but in my time with him he has used the little English he knows to get to know me and to answer the questions I have asked him. I've learned that he is 38, not married but loves children which is why he choose the profession that he did. He studied Piano in school and went to study in America for 2 years. He is a very kind man who has been extremely nice to me and I honestly wonder why none of the Korean women have snatched him up. My guess would be because he is too skinny! I don't know what it is about the Asian culture but they need some meat on their bones. I'm sorry but I prefer a man with a little fluff :) 

Anyways, he arrived at the immigration office before I did and when I arrived I tapped him on the shoulder to let him know I was there. He was sitting, so he stood up and told me to have a seat. I was perfectly fine standing and he had paperwork layed out in front of him so I figured he needed the seat more than I did so I told him I was fine and let him know he could have his seat. I guess it didn't matter than I didn't want the seat because he never sat down. We both stood there, with the chair starring back at us offering itself to us and neither of us sat down. I continued to stand hoping he would get the hint and sit but he never did. It's as if he couldn't allow himself to sit if I was not sitting as well. I'm not sure it is a cultural thing that I have not yet figured out, or if he is just as stubborn as I am, and maybe that has something to do with why he is not married. Either way, I couldn't help but laugh thinking about how long he would have stood there if I didn't give in and sit in the chair. 

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