Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Be a Boaz, not a Bozo!

I know the title of this blog might be a little harsh but it caught your attention right? I'm glad you are reading this. Recently, I blogged about what the Lord has been revealing to me through the book of Ruth. As, I've read Ruth again, the Lord is reminding me of her faith and I've been so encouraged by it. But He's also reminding me of the type of man I deserve to be with. In the book of Ruth Boaz refer's to Ruth as a woman of noble character or excellence (in some translations). But as I've re-read this book, God has continuously reminded me that Boaz too was a man of excellence. He was a man who acted with selflessness, put the well being of others first, he was mature and thought things through, he guarded the hearts of others and he showed compassion and kindness in everything he did. 

Sometime last year, I read a book called A Man Worth Waiting For (plug to this book, read it if you haven't). In the book, the author describes the type of men the Lord desires for us to be with as Boaz' and men who are here to distract us as Bozo's. I'm sure there is a female equivalent for the men reading this blog. Ladies, as I've been reading Ruth again, God has made it blatantly obvious how a man should treat a woman and I hope this blog helps encourage you to stand up for what you deserve and stop letting the Bozo's walk all over your heart. If you haven't done so lately, I would encourage you to go back and read Ruth. It's 4 short chapters so don't rush through it, really let it sink in and you will see what I'm talking about. 

Here are some of the character traits Boaz has. Ladies, be on the lookout for these and to the men reading this blog, I hope if you aren't already doing these things you will be encouraged to start.

- Boaz provides for Ruth. 2:8 Boaz gives Ruth a place to glean and get food for her and and Naomi and tells her she may drink from the water the men have filled any time she is thirsty. 
- Boaz protects Ruth 2:8 Not only does he tell the men in the fields to stay away from her, but he tells her to stay close to the servants to ensure her safety.
- Boaz extends kindness and hospitality 2:14 Finding her gleaning in his fields, he invites Ruth to dine with him. Ruth stays to eat and the word tells us she ate all she wanted and still had some left over. 
- Boaz is concerned with Ruth's emotional wellbeing 2:15 Boaz orders his men not to embarrass her if they see her gleaning after dinner.
- Boaz gives to those in need 2:16, even after Ruth eats, he tells his men to pull some stalks for her to pick up and take him.
- Boaz does the right thing 3:12 After Ruth proposes marriage he tells her there is a kinsman nearer than he and encourages her to go to him first.  
- Boaz protects her reputation 3:14 After Ruth comes to lay at his feet at night, he knows it would not be good for anyone to see her so he covers her and tells her to get up in the morning before anyone recognizes her. 

And finally in verse 18 Naomi tells Ruth with confidence to WAIT, "For the man will not rest until the matter is settled today." A man of excellence will not let things linger, he will not let the well being of others left lingering and confused. He takes initiative and does the right thing, even at the expense of his own well being. Boaz was impressed with Ruth from the beginning, he heard about her faith from others and was enlightened when he met her and I'm sure he wanted to marry her but there were things that needed to be dealt with first. So, he dealt with those things but he also communicated that to her. I love the example he sets. I've been encouraged recently by someone who has been a pleasant surprise and I know there are more men out there who are men of excellence so don't settle for the Bozo's, wait for the man who will gladly and so naturally do the things listed above! 

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